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“Especially Me”

Our friends in the band Low were instrumental in helping raise funds for the construction of the Namuncha Adult Literacy Center. Low a new CD out on Subpop called C’mon. Here is a little video set to their new song Especially Me made using images from Namuncha, Kenya. Enjoy! (Listen to field recordings of Maasai … Continue reading »

Categories: Culture, Education, Maasai | Leave a comment

Who are the Maasai?

Cultures change over time. Like branches on a tree, many cultures share the same deep roots while taking many forms on the surface. Maasai culture is similar to a tree with its branches. Maasai culture takes many forms rooted in a common system of beliefs, customs, social structure, etc. – often varying across time and … Continue reading »

Categories: Culture, Maasai | Leave a comment